Could It Be...Something New is Happening NOW!

Could It Be...Something New is Happening NOW!

Powerful Opportunities & Changed Lives Reading Could It Be...Something New is Happening NOW! 3 minutes Next Hard Times...Good Days...Happy New Year 2021

Dear Song of Israel Family,

Shalom! Happy and blessed new decade to you…2020. May this letter of Thanksgiving find you healthy and flourishing in His Love and Spirit. We want to express our heartfelt appreciation to all of you who are lifting us up in prayer and helping support the main work we are involved in in Israel and beyond the nations. With your prayers and finances, the reward from above is also your reward before the throne of the Most High!

During the last months of 2019 and now into the 2nd month of 2020 on the team we co-labored with sensed that a change was taking place as we would do our outreach concerts for the Survivors, new immigrants and the Israeli friends we meet. One thing that started to happen was that

those attending these events began to tell us that they were experiencing another world…something heavenly. It is true! Heaven is being released in a supernatural way by the Holy Spirit and bringing showers of revelation and blessings at the concerts. People would come up to us weeping and telling us it was the highlight of their entire life. Wow!

 We can only say we are without words to express this experience for you.

 Another thing that started to happen in the central locations of the concerts is that we would be invited to return to a home setting to meet with smaller groups of these Survivors. In January one group we went to was a study group belonging to a very strong “ultra-orthodox” here in Israel. On the wall was a picture of Rabbi Schnerson, who is deceased and is believed to be their messiah and will return again. The Holy Spirit also showed up there and their hearts were astonished at hearing the testimony of the LORD and His miracle working power. “Oh taste and see that the Lord is Good”

Ingrafted Branches do a Glorious Work

here in Israel!

What takes place each time we go out to do these concerts of LOVE is that the LORD always shows up in the most amazing ways. Many we work with from the nations share their testimony and how Yeshua filled their hearts and lives with love towards the Jewish people and Israel. They are fulfilling Romans 11:11 “Again, I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. 12 But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring!”

 Here are some pictures from a few of our concerts and opportunities for those who really needed His love and healing. Please continue to join us in Spirit and lift up the days, months, and years we have left to reach the Holocaust Survivors. Would you consider becoming part of our monthly support family if you are not already doing so? Your prayers and support make all of this possible.

Much love and showers of blessings,

Alyosha and Jody Ryabinov

 Mailing address: Song of Israel

P.O Box 730012

Ormond Beach, FL 32173